
All items are independently made in Tasmania. Dark South Designs specialises in copper foil stained glass art, building 2D and 3D creations with a combination of new and reclaimed glass. All items are entirely handmade following a refined process. Please see the FAQs for general information or reach out via the contact page. Thank you for visiting.

About me

My name is Kat and I live in southern Tasmania. I’m a winter baby and I love the cold, the more snow the better! I love nerdy things like video games, LOTR and LEGO. If you ever need help with flatpack furniture I'm your person.

All my glass art is handmade by me in my studio space at my home. I cut, build, bleed (comes with the territory), polish, package, you name it that’s me! I love working with glass, I love breaking glass and I love creating new things however I work full time so most of my creations come to life at night. Dark South… get it?

I have been refining my skills for just over two years. It's been a wild ride especially putting art out into the world. I hope you love it xx